Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Teens Online

This Chart is from

3 Observations I Made

1) The biggest jump of teens online is from 6th grade to 7th grade. 6th graders use of online is just under 60% and jumps up to 82% for 7th graders. This is probably because of social networks, more of them are connecting through facebook or other websites like that.

2) 6th grade boys are the reason for the low percentage of online users in their grade. 44% of 6th grade boys use online compared to 79% of 6th grade girls using it. This is probably because they aren't interested in online activities, not really interested in girls yet, just want to play sports and be outside.

3) Online use levels out in 11th and 12th grade at 94% because if they aren't using online by then it is more of a personal choice.

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